
I’m Reto Kaeser

infosec enthusiast

software artisan

optimist, minimalist, traveler & epicure of red wine

About Me
About Me

Hi! I wrote my first software back in 1980 on an HP-41 calculator. Ever since I’ve been hooked on developing software and related technology. Doing the arithmetic this gives me over 40 years of building secure, highly available and distributed systems mainly in the telecom, finance and construction industries. With experience came the honor of managing and coordinating highly talented teams of software developers. I strongly believe communication, processes and the right tools drive the success of every project. In 2000 I founded my first company and I’ve picked up a couple of more co-founder t-shirts along the way.

I’m fueled by my passion for delivering a secure, reliable and functional result to my customer. I also consider myself a ‘forever student’. Each year I challenge myself with a new programming environment and/or other technologies. Even though I can’t evade the feeling that old concepts are re-hashed, re-named and are re-born in the hype cycle.

My first infosec breach experience happened back in 1991. Imagine being hacked on a dial-in modem and then having to watch a main-frame being slowly (as in very slowly) taken down. Ever since then, protecting systems, information and their organizations has been a driving force in my career.

And of course I’m always curious to learn about new potential challenges. Please feel free to get in touch.

Cyber Resilience

The key to cyber security is paranoia.

Around 95% of all security breaches are due to human error, negligence or simple ignorance. Putting a major focus on the human factor will thus eliminate most breaches. Together with a holistic approach to the technical side a near to 100% secure system can be achieved. There will always be a residual risk so stay paranoid at all times.

Software Development

Developing software is an art.

If you need a developer with a unique skill set or if you are looking for a CTO/project manager to kick-start or coordinate your development initiative or if you are looking to augment your current team or even create a new one from scratch I can help you.

I have over 15 years of near shore experience working with outstanding talent in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Digital Innovation

Innovation is much more than attaching a PDF to an Email.

This might sound a bit sarcastic but I’ve encountered it time and time again, that organizations believe that by putting their paper-based workflows onto a computer will make them digital champions. I strongly believe legacy workflows need to re-engineered and adapted primarily with optimizing the customer experience in mind. Satisfied customers will automatically increase the bottom line.

Securing your home base

Die Zunahme von Home Officing stellt die IT-Sicherheit eines Unternehmens vor ganz neuen Herausforderungen. Egal ob ein VPN eingesetzt wird,…

Security First Software Development

According to Gartner, Inc. overall worldwide IT spending is projected to total $3.8 trillion in 2019 while at the same…